Friday 2 September 2011


It's a sub-atomic particle with negligible mass and unit negative charge.

It's a sub-atomic particle with mass nearby equal to that of a proton and carrying no charge.

It's the smallest possible particle of an element that can take part in a chemical reaction. It's electrically neutral and may or may not be capable of independent existence.

It's a positive or negatively charged particle with it's outermost shell complete and capable of independent existence is solution.

Sunday 14 August 2011

DECANTATION:It is a process of pouring the clear supernatant liquid from above the sediment, thus facilitating the separation of the solid  particles from the liquid.
FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION:The process of separation of two or more miscible liquids by distillation by making use of the difference in their boiling points is called fractional distillation

DISTILLATION:The process of converting a liquid into it's vapour by heating and the subsequent condensation of the vapours back into the original liquid is called distillation

Saturday 13 August 2011

FILTRATION:The process of separating a mixture containing an insoluble solid component in the liquid component, by  passing it through a porous medium is called filtration.

HOMOGENEOUS MIXTURE:The constituents of the mixture are thoroughly mixed and the composition is uniform throughtout

HETEROGENEOUS MIXTURE: The constituents of the mixture are not uniformly mixed and the composition varies throughout the mixture.  


A mixture is made up of two or more elements or compounds mechanically mixed together in any proportion, such that it's properties are those of it's constituents.


A compound is a pure homogeneous substance composed of two or more elements, chemically combined together in a fixed proportion by weight and can be decomposed by chemical methods only.